Typography Posters

To practice my skills in typography, I designed two posters showcasing my personal favorite fonts, Futura and Bodoni. My process was similar for both of the projects. I started by researching the history of the typefaces and incorporated what I learned into each poster.

Because Futura is designed around basic shapes, I used layered shape varieties to create a dynamic background design. For the color palette, I knew I wanted colors that were bright, and complimented each other.

For the Bodoni poster, I wanted to focus more on the type designer, while still highlighting the typeface. I wrote a small piece on Bodoni himself and edited a portrait of him using photoshop. To experiment with a cool effect I found online, I layered different colors within the portrait to give it a 3D effect. I then used blue and red hues to design the background and text. These posters were a fun way to sharpen my skills in layout design, typography and visual design, all while learning about well known typefaces.


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